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JUMP ON 2 and soar through space. It's one of the most enjoyable emotions you can experience. You will be able to jump with a glowing ball and fly over infinite stories. Do you believe it is possible to move and set new standards for success?
Although it may seem easy, this game can be quite difficult to master. Your goal is to get to the top of a building's platforms. Mouse clicks are used for this game. Each click moves the ball upwards, along the rungs. It is vital to pay attention at both ends of each floor in order to win. If the structure is inclined towards one side, the ball will naturally move to that side. Wait for the ball to roll towards the closed end if you want it to stay on the hook. When you bump, try to gain any advantage, such as more speed, that is available to you. How far can your record go and how long?
Click on the screen to make the ball jump through the ladders.